Sensor Thermistor - IN Series

週四, 08 九月 2011 23:27 熱敏電阻傳感器 Thermistor - Sensor NTC Thermistor


SINLOON® 傳感器熱敏電阻 IN Series
Data Specification -  PDF File NTC Sensor Thermistor - IN Series
eature: IN Series -
High accuracy tolerances to +/-0.10°C
Operating ranges from -50°C to 150°C
Small size with ease of handling - -
Proprietary processes produce top of the line quality and stability
Interchangeable refers to how accurately thermistors guarantee (R/T) curve over a
range of temperatures.  This allows every thermistor to be interchangeable with every - -
other thermistor of the same series specifications without re-calibration of
其他每一個的熱敏電阻在同一個系列的規格一樣,無須重新校準。 Return To Sensor
最近更新在 週四, 19 十一月 2015 07:25